Event Category: Jefferson County
EPIC Parenting Classes
Classes encourage providing choices and fostering responsibility, improving communication, and learning through logical consequences. For Jefferson & Shelby County parents with children between the ages of 0-18 years.
Positive Parenting Group Classes
Positive Parenting Group Classes are FREE ongoing educational support groups providing useful guidance for parents and caregivers of children 0-17.
Baby Playdate
Play with toys and new friends, read a board book, and enjoy music while developing cognitive, motor, and social skills. Ages 0-18 months.
Once Upon a Storytime
Explore fantastical worlds with Miss Cheyenne’s Storytime at Homewood Public Library as you sing & dance through faerie tales. Ages 0-2
Join the Library for an energetic and interactive storytime with Miss Aaliyah. Geared towards preschoolers; everyone is welcome.
Pleasant Hill UMC Food Bank Ministry
Pleasant Hill UMC facilitates a food bank ministry to serve and assist those struggling financially to support themselves or their family.
Stay & Play: Homewood Public Library
Fire up your imagination and tinker around with friends for some loose parts play after Miss Erika’s fun-filled StoryTime. Ages 0 to Pre-K.
Ross Bridge Farmer’s Market
Enjoy live music, food trucks, shopping with local farmers, artisans, & more! Plus kids activities!
Coffee Play Date
Enjoy coffee or tea with other adults, while the little ones enjoy a free play at various stations around the room – Homewood Public Library.
Manna Ministries Food Distribution
Manna Ministries feeds more than 800 families each month in the Chilton, Jefferson and Shelby counties! They distribute loaves of bread, along with pantry items, produce, meats, dairy & pastries.