Health and Safety
Health & Safety Articles
Poison Prevention
Poison-proof your home and protect the ones you love Each day more than 300 children are treated in an emergency room department according to the CDC; two of them die. And the offensive material isn't always a clearly marked as hazardous. It can be typical household cleaners, medicines, alcohol and so forth. Active curious children [...]
Exercise and Your Wellbeing
Get moving to make changes in overall health EXERCISE AND YOUR WELLBEING: In recognition of Mental Health Month (May), we’ve introduced some topics about physical and mental wellbeing. After all, our overall health has a big impact on our ability to care for our children. Today’s focus is Exercise and Your Wellbeing. Just like diet […]
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month which means it’s time to gain insight into what you can do as a parent to ensure your child’s safety today and every day. We get that it may not always be an easy discussion, but the following points will highlight the issues many victims face and how you [...]
Your Child’s Teeth
Protecting your child's teeth Your child’s baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they first appear—typically around age 6 months. Tooth decay in infants and toddlers, often referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected. In some cases, [...]
Reinforcing School Bus Safety
Bus Safety Tips to Review with your Child Every year millions of children travel to and from school by bus. According to the United States Department of Transportation, a school bus is the safest vehicle on the road. Although your child is much safer taking a bus to and from school than traveling by car, [...]
Cloth Face Coverings for Children During COVID-19
Considerations for use of face coverings with children Times continue to rapidly change with new information daily about the Covid-19 virus. Face coverings for children are now being recommended. Wearing cloth face coverings reduces the chance of transmitting the virus through the spray of spit or respiratory droplets which happens when someone sneezes or coughs [...]
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