PAL, Alabama’s Parenting Assistance Line, housed at Child Development Resources at the University of Alabama, is designed to provide emotional support and parenting information for families whose children are ages birth to twelve. The information provided is not intended to replace the recommendations of the child’s physician or other professionals selected to assist in the care of the child. PAL does not assume responsibility for any consequence relating to information, procedures, or application by any person using the information compiled or developed by the PAL Program.
PAL does not collect personally identifying information unless the user of the service chooses to provide that information. If personal information is provided it will only be used by PAL and will not be released to anyone else for any other purpose unless explicitly permitted by law.
PAL has provided links to other websites on the Internet maintained by third parties to make available a broad range of additional information related to parenting. PAL believes the sources to be helpful and reputable, however these sites are not maintained by PAL. Accuracy or reliability, therefore, cannot be guaranteed. PAL is not responsible for the content viewed once the user leaves