Event Category: Jefferson County
EPIC Parenting Classes
Classes encourage providing choices and fostering responsibility, improving communication, and learning through logical consequences. For Jefferson & Shelby County parents with children between the ages of 0-18 years.
Positive Parenting Group Classes
Positive Parenting Group Classes are FREE ongoing educational support groups providing useful guidance for parents and caregivers of children 0-17.
Baby Playdate
Play with toys and new friends, read a board book, and enjoy music while developing cognitive, motor, and social skills. Ages 0-18 months.
Together with Tots
Stories and songs for 18 to 36-month-olds! Available at both 9:30 and 10:30 on Tuesdays!
Once Upon a Storytime
Explore fantastical worlds with Miss Cheyenne’s Storytime at Homewood Public Library as you sing & dance through faerie tales. Ages 0-2
Story Sprouts
Dance and play in this interactive movement storytime! A short action-packed story-time for children under 4.
Join the Library for an energetic and interactive storytime with Miss Aaliyah. Geared towards preschoolers; everyone is welcome.
Pleasant Hill UMC Food Bank Ministry
Pleasant Hill UMC facilitates a food bank ministry to serve and assist those struggling financially to support themselves or their family.
Stay & Play: Homewood Public Library
Fire up your imagination and tinker around with friends for some loose parts play after Miss Erika’s fun-filled StoryTime. Ages 0 to Pre-K.
Parents Helping Parents
Parents Helping Parents is a mentoring initiative for biological parents, guardians, grandparents, and caregivers. In-person & virtual options.