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Never underestimate the importance of good manners. Your children will grow up to be kinder and more considerate of others if they are taught when they are young. Lead by example. With a little encouragement, children will learn good manners if they see you practice them. Behaving politely is a learning process; therefore, it is [...]
Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active

Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active

Children & Exercise Regular physical activity is a way to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, getting our children to put down the remote or tablet is harder than it seems. We list a few ways to encourage your child to get up and play! Choose an activity that is developmentally appropriate Choosing an activity that [...]
Physical Fitness For Preschoolers

Physical Fitness For Preschoolers

Being physically fit is a good idea for everyone-even pre-school age children. Children who are inactive risk becoming overweight later in life. Before you begin a daily fitness routine with your preschooler it is important to understand what your child can do and what skills are appropriate for this age. You want to engage your [...]
Preschoolers and Media

Preschoolers and Media

Today’s parents live in a world where electronic media is an ever- changing, but increasingly important part, of family life. Parenting is a tough job especially when both parents work outside the home, families try to juggle complex schedules, or if you are a single parent household. In this environment many parents rely on television [...]


Parents are often surprised by the dishonesty of their children. School-age children lie for many reasons. Understanding why children lie can be most helpful in dealing with dishonesty. Reasons Children Might Lie: To impress and gain the respect of peers. (“My dad is a millionaire.”) To please parents. Children want to make their parents happy. (“Yes, I [...]
Toilet Training Your Toddler

Toilet Training Your Toddler

Most parents begin their child's potty training process around the age of two. Most children achieve daytime training by the age of three. Some children will train before age two while others could train as late as age four. It is important for parents to remember that every child is different. Relax and allow your [...]
Feeding Your Baby

Feeding Your Baby

Many times parents are offered unsolicited advice about feeding their baby. Some of this advice may be accurate, however, some may be completely wrong and could potentially be harmful. Please remember to always consult your child’s physician before making any changes in your baby’s diet. Sometimes parents are ready to introduce solid food into their infants diet […]

Coping With Grief

Coping With Grief

Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One Holidays are a time for fellowship and friendship with those you love. However, for families dealing with the loss of a loved one, this time of year can also bring terrific sadness. There is no single right or wrong way to handle these difficult times. The key [...]
Gifts That Can’t Be Bought

Gifts That Can’t Be Bought

The most valuable gifts your child will ever receive are the ones that cannot be bought with money. Your children can have an abundance of material possessions, but without the following, your child will forever be short-changed. Stability and Security. Consistency, predictability, and dependability: these practices build children’s sense of stability. Secure children feel safe and […]

Stress Free Holiday and Family Activities

Stress Free Holiday and Family Activities

The holidays can be a joyous yet stressful time of the year for children as well as parents. Even the youngest of children can be affected by the chaos and anxiety that sometimes surrounds the holidays. Below are some relaxing activities that a family can do together that may help to reduce stress and ensure […]

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