Your Child's Development
Child Development Articles

Encouraging Responsibility
Parents want their children to grow into responsible, caring, capable adults. The foundation for these traits must be laid early if our children are to be prepared for adult life. Because no one is born knowing how to act responsibly, children must be taught these behaviors Being responsible includes learning to: Be honest and accept [...]

Developmental Milestones of Infants
Birth Through 6 Months Learning about ages and stages of typical development can help parents better anticipate, then guide children more successfully and confidently, through each developmental stage. Please keep in mind that even though there are typical patterns of development, actual timelines will vary for each child. The information below is a basic guideline to help parents identify [...]

18 – 24 Months Developmental Milestones
Learning about stages of typical development can help parents anticipate what to expect next in order to guide their babies, more successfully and confidently, through each developmental stage. Please keep in mind that even though there are typical patterns of development, actual timelines will vary for each child. The information below is a basic guideline [...]

12 – 18 Months Developmental Milestones
Learning about stages of typical development can help parents anticipate what to expect next in order to guide their babies more successfully and confidently, through each developmental stage. Please keep in mind that even though there are typical patterns of development, actual timelines will vary for each child. The information below is a basic guideline [...]

Developmental Milestones of Infants 7 Months – 12 Months
The second half of baby’s first year is a time of rapid development. Learning about stages of typical development can help parents anticipate what to expect next in order to guide their babies, more successfully and confidently through each developmental stage. Please keep in mind that even though there are typical patterns of development, actual [...]

6 – 8 year-old developmental milestones
During your child’s early elementary years, changes occur in all areas of development. Below are some typical changes you might see in your child. You may notice that your 6-8 year-old: Has an increasingly strong interest in social relationships Is the center of his or her universe Tells stories about other children at school Feels [...]
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