Your Child's Development
Child Development Articles

Sibling Rivalry: Toddlers and Preschoolers
Since the beginning of time brothers and sisters have had their differences. Arguments ensue over major issues and, what seem to us, minor ones. Siblings who share a room are often tempted to draw a line down the middle to keep one another from touching their possessions or invading their space. As parents, we are [...]

School Age Sibling Rivalry
If you are the proud parent of more than one child, you probably experience the sounds of sibling rivalry and conflict on a regular basis. (“Mom, he’s touching me!” “She’s wearing my sweater without asking!” “Get out of my room!”) Take comfort in the fact that this is typical behavior and yours are not the [...]

Reading With Your Preschooler
Reading with your child is a special and precious time. There are very few activities as rewarding as cuddling up together with an exciting book! The more your preschooler is exposed to quality books and the fun of reading, the more he will come to value the experience. Children who are taught to enjoy reading [...]

Reading With Your Baby
While it is true that most of parenting involves real work, some of parenting is pure pleasure! Right from birth cuddling up with your baby and a book not only feels good, but strengthens the bond between the two of you. Holding your baby, coaxing responses from him, talking and singing, and showing pictures in [...]

Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Development: Preschool through Adolescence
As parents we learn about the benefits of regular doctor visits, immunizations, physical activity and proper nutrition.We understand the need for stimulating toys and activities to promote brain development. However, we may overlook the importance of nurturing our children’s emotional development. Every child is unique. Some children are cheerful and adaptable while others are moody [...]

Making and Keeping Friends
Knowing how to make and keep friends is a very important skill for children to learn! Why? Children who learn how to develop close friendships: Tend to engage in fewer risky behaviors as teens and have fewer mental health problems as adults than those who have no close childhood friends. Have a higher self-esteem. Adjust [...]
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