Your Child's Development
Child Development Articles

What Every Child Needs
The first three years of life are the most critical for overall healthy development. It is important for parents to start as soon as possible to build the foundation that will help their children reach their full potential. Following is a list of things every child needs to give them the very best start in [...]

Welcoming A New Baby
The arrival of a new sibling can be difficult for children of any age, but especially so for toddlers and preschoolers. At this young age they are not able to identify or express their emotions with words. Therefore, many children will begin to act out or return to behaviors that were more appropriate when they [...]

Weaning Your Child From the Pacifier
A pacifier is often a child’s first and most precious possession. It offers comfort, satisfies an infant’s need to suck, provides a sense of security, and oftentimes, peace to parents. However, there may come a time when as a parent, you feel it necessary to wean your child from the pacifier. Pediatric dentists recommend limiting [...]

Toileting Issues/ Regression
Just when you thought you bought your last diaper and had successfully maneuvered through potty-training, your child begins to regress! Why is this happening? Toileting regression can be very frustrating and puzzling for many parents. Oftentimes, parents struggle more with toileting issues than with any other developmental concern. But, even though it may seem like [...]

Toddler Independence
Toddlerhood is a time of mastering new skills and developing independence. But, along with these skills and new- found independence comes frustration and temper tantrums. This frustration and seemingly negative behavior can cause parents much stress. Understanding typical toddler behavior and utilizing positive strategies may relieve stress and help parents boost their toddler toward independence. [...]

Sleeping Through The Night
During the first few weeks of your baby’s life his tiny stomach can only hold enough food to last 2-4 hours. During these first few weeks there is no way to escape round-the-clock wakings and feedings. However, many infants will begin sleeping for 7-8 hours during the night at about 3 months. But, keep in [...]
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