Your Child's Development
Child Development Articles

Preschoolers and Media

Toilet Training Your Toddler

Feeding Your Baby
Many times parents are offered unsolicited advice about feeding their baby. Some of this advice may be accurate, however, some may be completely wrong and could potentially be harmful. Please remember to always consult your child’s physician before making any changes in your baby’s diet. Sometimes parents are ready to introduce solid food into their infants diet […]


Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns
Most newborns will sleep 16-18 hours per day. However, they usually sleep in 2-3 hour increments– even at night. While this may mean that the parents don’t get their usual 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, it’s what is healthiest for the baby. Babies wake up frequently because they have shorter sleep cycles. As adults we […]

What Should Parents Expect
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