Parent Support
Parent Support Articles

Grandparents today play a wide variety of roles including caregiver, role-model, playmate, friend, and family historian. Although children typically view their parents as the center of the universe, grandparents were here first! It is from you that your grandchildren will learn that older individuals have much to offer and are worthy of respect. (Remember that [...]

Father’s Day Activities For Both You And Your Kids
Father’s Day is a day that both you and your child can benefit from. It can be a great way for you and your child to spend time together and strengthen the relationship. Review our list for some engaging and easy ways to have some Father’s Day fun! 1. Share your interests and hobbies Sharing [...]

Becoming a parent can be the most exciting, wonderful, joyous and frightening experience you may ever have. Although the prospect of fatherhood is exhilarating it can also bring with it many confusing feelings. If you have fears about becoming a father, relax. All new fathers feel somewhat inadequate at first. Many young men don’t get [...]

Family Play
In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for family play may be a challenge. However, is it worth it? You bet! Enjoying time together as a family is tremendously beneficial. In fact, for healthy relationships to flourish, it is a necessity. We can schedule time for playing together, and develop the ability to capture unstructured moments [...]

Effective Parenting Strategies
Anyone who has children knows that parenting is hard work! Although our children may inherit many traits from us, they are distinct individuals. What worked for us may not be the best for them. Through diligent research we now know what strategies get desired results and those that don’t. However, without patience and consistency, even [...]

Divorce represents the death of a marriage. And the death of a marriage, like any death, requires a grieving process for healing. Since people do not enter into marriage planning for divorce, the death of a marriage inevitably brings with it strong emotions- especially denial, shock, and anger. If there are children involved, the entire [...]
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