Discipline and Guidance
Child Development Articles

How to Recognize and Reform a Spoiled Child
It is not always easy to set limitations, boundaries and responsibilities for our children. In addition, following through with consequences takes a considerable amount of effort and determination. It is much easier to give in to their every desire, avoiding struggles and disappointment. However, if we sow the seeds of permissive parenting we will reap [...]

How To Put An End To Whining
Whining, an irritating blend of talking and crying, occurs in many children 2-4 years of age and can cause frustration or anger for almost any parent. During this developmental stage children’s language skills are rapidly improving; however, they still do not possess the vocabulary necessary to express themselves when they are tired, cranky, hungry, or [...]

How to Handle Back Talk: Toddlers and Preschoolers
“I can’t believe that came out of my child’s mouth!” One of the most frequent issues parents face with a child is back-talk. It can be frustrating, embarrassing, and can test even the most patient parents! So what can be done? First, understand that children of different ages use strong language for various reasons. Second, [...]

How to Handle Back Talk: Schoolagers and Teens
“I can’t believe that came out of my child’s mouth!” One of the most frequent issues parents face with a child is back-talk. It can be frustrating, embarrassing, and can test even the most patient parents! So what can be done? First, understand that children of different ages use strong language for various reasons. Second, [...]

Helping Children Manage Angry Feelings
Anger is a natural emotion experienced by everyone. Parents can play a positive role by helping children deal with angry feelings. Children see everything parents do and say so it is very important that parents model the appropriate methods of dealing with anger. Most children inappropriately display anger because they are not mature enough to [...]

Helping Children Cope With Change
Change during childhood is inevitable! As parents it is our responsibility to teach our children resiliency- the ability to rise above challenges and move forward with confidence. By following these tips we can help our children develop the coping strategies necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world: Introduce the concept of time: Because young children [...]
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