Discipline and Guidance
Child Development Articles

For toddlers learning to share can be difficult. Why? Toddlers function from a perspective of “the world revolves around me.” This is called “egocentrism.” Toddlers are just beginning to understand the words “mine” and “yours” and may feel threatened when other children play with their toys. Because they are not yet capable of comprehending the [...]

Setting Rules and Boundaries: Children
At times, being a parent can be tough. There are challenges you never anticipated and days when you think you just aren’t cut out for the job. Don’t despair; all parents feel this way from time to time. Children can be very frustrating as they constantly push against boundaries and test limits. They don’t always [...]

Setting Rules and Boundaries
There are many changes which come along with the onset of the teen years. But there is one part of child rearing that remains constant. Children, no matter what their age, need loving, consistent discipline. However, it is no secret that parenting a teen brings unique challenges. Not only is she bigger, more verbal, and [...]

Self Control and Young Children
Self-control is an important skill for all children to learn. It enables them to have power over their actions, cope with frustrations, and to resolve conflicts. Children who learn to control their behavior are more likely to succeed in school, develop lasting friendships, and achieve an overall sense of positive self-worth. It is a skill [...]

Raising Tolerant Children
Our children’s world is increasingly becoming more diverse. As a result, they must learn to deal effectively with others who are culturally different. As parents it is our job to help them learn to navigate through these challenges so they will have a well balanced, enriched and healthy life. Following is a list of tips [...]

Raising a Moral Child
Today’s children face difficult challenges and pressures long before their brains have developed the capacity to make wise choices. Therefore, it is essential that parents take seriously the need to start young and continue teaching their children moral values and principles as they mature. If we don’t, the media, their peers and other negative influences [...]
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