Discipline and Guidance
Child Development Articles

When Your Child Says, “I Don’t Care!”
At some point most parents have heard their child use the phrase, “I don’t care.” It may be in reference to school performance or a reaction to a behavior consequence. Children use these words to make excuses and also to push parents away. It allows them to feel a sense of power and control, and [...]

Using Time-Out Effectively
Time-out is a well-known discipline technique used to interrupt an unacceptable behavior; it is not intended to punish, but to give children the opportunity to calm down and regain self- control. It can be one of the most successful parenting strategies if carried out correctly. However, overuse of time-out can cause the practice to lose [...]

Teaching Respect
Everyone wants and needs respect... even our children. Oftentimes parents complain that their child just doesn’t show respect. The reason may be that we are trying to teach it instead of being a living example. Research proves that children learn 95% by watching the behaviors of others and only 5% of what is actually taught [...]

Teachable Moments
You may have heard the term “teachable moment” used. Parent educators and teachers often instruct parents to take advantage of “teachable moments”. But what exactly is a “teachable moment”, and how can you make the most of it? A “teachable moment” can happen almost anywhere and at any time. They are generally not planned learning [...]

From whining to a full-blown kicking and screaming fit, tantrums come in many varieties. Keep in mind that tantrums are normal behavior young children use in order to get attention or what they want. They are most commonly seen between the ages of 1 and 4. Tantrums are a way for your child to express [...]

Parents are often surprised by the dishonesty of their children and are not sure what to do when their child steals. Understanding why children may steal can be helpful in dealing with stealing. Why Children May Steal Lack of self control. Peer pressure. Friends might dare a child to steal. To impress friends. A child [...]
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