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The Absent Parent

The Absent Parent

Whatever the cause, whether it be divorce, work, military service or prison that takes one parent out of the household, separation is difficult for both the parent and the children. Small children may not understand why mom or dad is not around and older children may resent the absence. The absent parent oftentimes suffers from [...]
Six Characteristics of Strong Families

Six Characteristics of Strong Families

Sharing your life with a happy healthy family is for many of us, one of our most important goals. It is no secret that dysfunctional relationships and a chaotic family life are major contributors to social problems including juvenile delinquency, domestic abuse, and addiction. However, there are multitudes of successful families who thrive, contribute to [...]
When Parents Aren’t Getting Along

When Parents Aren’t Getting Along

Dealing with conflict can be tough and complicated for everyone, especially when the conflict is between you and your spouse. Marital conflict is inevitable at times in even the most loving and stable families. Stressful jobs, a difference in parenting styles, financial difficulties, or different personalities can all potentially contribute to marital conflict. Arguments or [...]
When Parenting Styles are Different

When Parenting Styles are Different

Parenting can be tough especially when two parents have different parenting styles. Have you ever thought about what kind of parent you are? Are you tough with high expectations? Do you believe that children should be allowed to “just be kids”? What do you think of as the “best” way to raise a child? There [...]
The Myth of the Perfect Parent

The Myth of the Perfect Parent

Have you ever had one of those days when you felt like every other parent has “it all together” but you? These feelings of inadequacy are common, especially with first time parents. Many of us have grown up with the notion that parents should be all-knowing, all- loving, and all-giving. However, no matter how great [...]
Supermarket Survival

Supermarket Survival

The supermarket is an exciting place for small children because there is so much to see and explore! However, it can also be frustrating and tiresome for little ones. They may become overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds, and become irritable or cranky. What can be done to help make shopping less stressful for [...]
Successful Stepfamilies

Successful Stepfamilies

Today, at least one-third of all children in the U.S. are expected to live in a stepfamily before they reach the age of 18. Although stepfamilies are more common, they face many lifestyle changes and adjustments. However, with concerted effort and determination families can work through problems and live together successfully. Because every situation is [...]
Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Life with a new baby can be delightful and rewarding, however, it can also be difficult and stressful at times. When a woman is pregnant and after she gives birth, many physical and emotional changes occur which can leave her feeling sad, anxious, afraid, or confused. These feelings are commonly referred to as "baby blues" [...]
Parenting: When Nothing Works

Parenting: When Nothing Works

As parents, we want what is best for our children. We work diligently to ensure their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. We strive to teach them right from wrong and we protect them as best we can from harm. However, sometimes our children seem determined to challenge every attempt we make towards helping them grow [...]
Parenting Multiples

Parenting Multiples

Most couples know that having children forever changes their lives. However, parents who are blessed with two, three, or more miracles may feel as though they’ve left the hospital and arrived home on another planet! The arrival of multiple newborns presents unique challenges for parents. So what can parents do to make life with multiples [...]
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